Troop 36, SCouts BSA

Located in Mount Holly, NJ
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Scout Me In!

Welcome to Troop 36 in Mount Holly, NJ! We meet Tuesday nights from 7-8:30pm at First Presbyterian Church on Garden Street. We’d love to have you come out and join our adventure!

Life’s An Adventure

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125 Garden St, Mt Holly, NJ 08060
Scouting For Food

Scouting For Food

SCOUTING FOR FOOD A Scout is Helpful and has a Duty to Others Since the food pantries are more in need now than ever before, our council has found a way to safely run a Scouting for Food Drive.  Next time your parents get groceries, if they can afford to, purchase a...

Touring the United States Capitol

Touring the United States Capitol

Every year, one of our Scoutmasters plans a Mystery Trip and we don't know the destination until we're leaving that night. This weekend, we went to Washington, D.C. We got to tour the capitol building and explore the Smithsonian Museums. At night, we stayed at a...

Backpacking on the Appalachian Trail

Backpacking on the Appalachian Trail

This weekend we backpacked along a part of the Appalachian Trial. The older scouts bought backpacking meals and went on an overnight trip away from base camp. The younger scouts stayed at base camp, worked on requirements and went for a day hike. 

Hiking in Gettysburg

Hiking in Gettysburg

We finally completed our patch set for hiking at Gettysburg this weekend. Over the last few years, we have been camping on the battlefield as a troop and doing hikes of various mileage, as well as learning more about Gettysburg so that we could earn pieces of a patch...


Our Troop goes camping every month. Places we’ve gone before include: The Pinnacle, backpacking on the Appalachian Trail, Gettysburg, Hawk Mountain, whitewater rafting down the Delaware River, New York City and Washington, D.C.

Get to know us

Our troop was founded in 1947 in Mount Holly, NJ.

We have an extensive outdoor program based on the Boy Scouts’ Outdoor Code. We typically have an outdoor activity occurring every month and attend a week-long summer camp at various scouting camps in the Northeast. Throughout the year, we have weekend outings that may include backpacking, canoeing, hiking, camping, or biking.

Our Troop firmly advocates being a “Youth Run” troop. Our scouts develop, plan, and execute the program including all meetings and outings. They are responsible for choosing the meeting topics and delivering the content. They are also responsible for selecting outing types and locations and then working through the planning and execution with adult oversight and mentoring. We follow this approach because we find it provides the best learning experience possible and helps the youth to develop leadership skills while leading their peers.

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